Past Recommendations
I have know Per as a yoga class instructor at a downtown fitness facility and in an invited role as a yoga instructor for research study participants. In both settings Per was engaging, friendly, professional, and responsive to his audience. His yoga instruction is non-intimidating and positively directed at helping participants achieve gentle stretching and relaxation. I highly recommend Per, he is an excellent yoga instructor.
Bill Healey, Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Therapy & Human Movement Sciences, Northwestern University
Per's knowledge and compassion gently ingrains the connections of body and spirit, strength and flexibility, concentration and sensuality, to daily life and permits a greater sense of consciousness, focus and clarity in all action...and stillness. Per brings energy and thoughtful consideration to practices, touching and engaging a person regardless of the level of practice. He reinforces doing your best and clears the way for personal challenge. Practice allows for humor as well, a chance to smile and laugh and flow through the experience in natural sequence. Practice is never overwhelmed with one direction and small slotted times of mantras resonate vibrations into the logic of physics and our connection to everything.
Michelle Kalfas, Asset Management/Consultant
Per is a highly professional therapist who has great communication skills. He combines lightheartedness with compassion for each person's challenges. He is also a superb public speaker and can communicate with large and small groups effectively.
Jai Luster, Executive Director - Luster Learning Institute - Founder of Calm Classroom
Per has a firm grasp of the professional boundaries, theoretical principals, and practical applications of the classes that he teaches. I have referred several clients to him, and they have reported back with glowing affirmations that Per "knows his stuff" and can teach compassionately with a personal touch. My direct experiences with him are often warm, humorous, and grounded.
Dave Howser, psychotherapist and pastoral counselor