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AAudio & Video Materials

Somatic Metta Meditation

 Somatics-- is the privileged first-person relationship you have with yourself. Whenever you think of as I, or myself, you are thinking somatically-- which includes both your body and mind. A somatic approach is anything that encourages or supports a deep relationship with interiority and flourishing in the outer world. Somatic principles can be used in yoga, tai chi, dance, bodywork, and talk- therapy.


Metta (Lovingkindness) meditation-- is primarily a meditative process, centered on creating a heartfelt connection between you, and those perceived as "Other." Metta, as a practice, invites a deeper embrace with the external world by consciously affirming how the experience of living leads each of us at times to know disappointment, pain, and discouragement. In recognition of this essential life experience, we are all the same. The process can also be approached more from a "positive" standpoint, as well. No matter who you are, few (if any) of us purposely seek out anything other than comfort, ease, and wellness. This is true for those we care about and for ourselves. The Metta process simply, but profoundly expands that circle of care outward.


What could be better than combining these approaches?  

As an introductory gift for visiting my site, this audio practice which I call,  "Somatic Metta Meditation combines the wisdom of both. Enjoy!

Somatic metta meditation introductionPer Erez
00:00 / 01:36
Reclining somatic metta meditationPer Erez
00:00 / 16:13
Somatic metta meditation practicePer Erez
00:00 / 13:07

A case-study in Somatic Yoga

An Introduction To The Somatic Approach 

In this private session of somatic yoga, I am working with a long-time student of mine using elements of yoga with somatic education as the foundation. The sequence we developed was designed to address both lower back and neck pain he had dealt with over the course of his life.

What is a pandiculation and why is it important for Hanna Somatic Education?

In this brief introduction to the topic, I explore how I work with people with neuromuscular and functional issues.
 In under 4 minutes, I explain the basics of our specific approach to somatics used most regularly to offer effective interventions for people looking to move with more freedom and less discomfort. To find out more about how HSE approaches movement function globally, please go here.

Enrollment Form (google doc)

Enrolling in any of the service offerings is recommended for a more detailed understanding of your specific needs. For Yoga Therapy, it is a requirement to session scheduling. Simply click above on the Enrollment link, fill out the google form, and at the end of the form type your name to indicate your consent.

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